Just a couple of days ago, William "scarra" Li may have conducted one of the most influential interviews of his media career. The...
Whats Wrong with Competitive Hearthstone? Competitive Hearthstone is no longer a serious eSport. I know that will raise some objections, many people will say it...
You’ve started watching Dota, and you've fallen in love. You start to follow the professional scene, and you see team rosters listed with a...
Mirana received an Aghanim's Scepter upgrade in 6.87 that made her Starstorm much more dangerous. With the Scepter, Starstorm triggers every 8 seconds automatically with...
Who doesn't love a little friendly banter between competitors? For fans it can drive up the entertainment value. For competitors, talking smack might ignite...
Player personalities tend to be transferable from game to game, and it turns out that in-game characters across different titles share some eerily similar...
Introduction Beast Druid is an archetype that Blizzard has been pushing for quite a while. The last two expansions have added a lot of beast...
It's been eleven days since Valve's massive accuracy update to CS:GO went live. The changes, announced via an official blog post titled "Second Shot," offered a surface-level...
Let's be honest, Ana's been getting a pretty bad wrap. Although it's true that she has a comparatively disadvantaged skill set, there's always a...
Introduction The new Hearthstone expansion One Night in Karazhan’s first wing has been launched. With it, the typical three adventures have opened up. For those...
Going down 0-2 was definitely not part of KT Rolster's plan to dismantle the most successful team in League of Legends history. But the...
Introduction The Thirty Legendary Deck is something that most players have heard of. It is, as the name would suggest, a deck comprised of only...