infiltration wins evo

Infiltration Monopolizing Capcom Cup Slots

Capcom Cup slots are at a premium this year. Many fans of the game, including myself, consider 2016 the year of Street Fighter. A simple rule change made by Capcom for this year’s Capcom Pro Tour, meant to make...
Doublelift on stage

Trash Talk Is for Animals – You Should Grow Up

Who doesn't love a little friendly banter between competitors? For fans it can drive up the entertainment value. For competitors, talking smack might ignite their competitive fire. For me, it's ridiculous. The Attraction of Trash Talk Trash talk is one of...

Eichenwalde: Thoughts and Implications

Blizzard just announced a new map based on Germanic terrain; Eichenwalde. Its release has been planned for September this year. German, German, German! For those who are interested, the name literally translates to "Oak Woods" (if you ignore the 'e' at the...
egames rio 2016 logo

Esports Olympics: Missteps with Smash Legends

Recently, the eGames Rio Showcase began sending out its invites for players who they feel have earned the right to attend. eGames is looking to be the Olympics of esports. These players were considered because of their sheer grit,...

Individual MatchUp Streams Appreciated by Hardcore Fans

Recently both the NA LCS and the EU LCS have experimented with hosting pro players on a secondary stream to give analysis on specific lanes during anticipated matchups. This has resulted in the mechanical tips you would expect, but these...
Ana Nidalee

Perfect Pair: Overwatch Heroes and LoL Champs (Support)

Player personalities tend to be transferable from game to game, and it turns out that in-game characters across different titles share some eerily similar traits. Among two of the most popular games right now – Overwatch and League of Legends – quite...
Overwatch World Cup

Overwatch World Cup: Blizzard’s First Event

Blizzard announced their first Overwatch event; the Overwatch World Cup. Participants will be chosen by a Blizzard run community vote. The tournament will start with a group stage that will boil down to a final section held at BlizzCon 2016. Voting Process Instead...
Aggro Druid has returned in Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro expansion. It's fast, flexible, and fun deck that's good in most matchups.

Beast Druid Guide – Karazhan

Introduction Beast Druid is an archetype that Blizzard has been pushing for quite a while. The last two expansions have added a lot of beast synergy within the Druid class. Now, with the new One Night in Karazhan cards, the...
Attending TI6

Attending TI6 from outside Key Arena: Al Fresco Style

After two years of waiting, I finally had a shot at attending TI6 in person. It's definitely a perk of taking a job in the state of Washington. Unfortunately, the day tickets were released I was boating around the...

Logitech G Pro Gaming Mouse: First Impressions

There's a new mouse about to hit the market, and you should start getting excited now: Logitech have announced the release of the Logitech G Pro Gaming Mouse. We were lucky enough to get our hands on an advance copy...

CS:GO’s Accuracy Update: Let’s Talk about Your One Taps

It's been eleven days since Valve's massive accuracy update to CS:GO went live. The changes, announced via an official blog post titled "Second Shot," offered a surface-level explanation of how the update would affect spraying, bursting, and tapping with the AK-47, M4A4,...

Fnatic Versus H2K Playoff Series Moved to Tuesday

It's Monday and the winner of the Fnatic versus H2K series is... undecided. How is that possible? Thousands of excited EU LCS fans woke up to the sound of their alarms on Sunday morning to watch the much anticipated Fnatic...