5 Features the League of Legends Client Is Missing

League of Legends is a free-to-play game with a massive fan base constantly demanding new features and fixes to make their playing experience better. These "Riot Pls" type of feature wishlists can be found everywhere the game is being...

Pimp My Rig Photo Contest: June 20th – June 28th!

Whether you've been gaming on a ten-year old Dell laptop or a state-of-the-art gaming PC with lots of flashing red LEDs, it's time for more than just a makeover. It's time to Pimp Your Rig. We're giving away a Razer BlackWidow Chroma mechanical...

SSBM: Swedish Delight Plays Luigi in Finals

This past week Smash fans across the world were treated to one of the strangest casual tournaments the world of Super Smash Bros. has to offer, Smash’N’Splash. Smash’N’Splash (or SNS) is in its second year as a nationally recognized...

Top Tier Team-Killing Champions

Are you the type of person who enjoys seeing their friends rot away in despair? Does the anger of others humor you? We've made a collection of champions for you, best suited to sabotage your own team. Champions like Dr....

SFV: Capcom Pro Tour Heads to Russia

Last week was a big one for the esports fans of Russia. The Russian Ministry of Sports made an official determination that esports are now considered a sport in the country sparking hope for players who are in need...

4 Ways to Tilt the Other Team

In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the primary form of psychological warfare is trash talk. It's simple, and it works--if your opponents are constantly telling you how much you "suck" and asking you how much you tagged the wall for, it can be easy...

Heroes of the Storm: Limiting Your Mistakes

The most important part of learning is failing. You cannot go through life and expect to get better at something without failing; it’s simply the trial and error process that’s part of our genetic makeup. Of course, it’s only...

High Elo Held Hostage – Dynamic Queue Protest

The latest action in a series of unfortunate events surrounding the topic of Riot Games' Dynamic Queue has been from the players themselves. In all likelihood, the majority of players have yet to hear about this outcry, which has been...

Support Main: The Secrets to Carrying Your Team

Support is the role in highest demand on Summoner's Rift. Most players queue up with solo lanes and damage dealers as their preferred roles, overlooking the impact on the game a skilled support player can have. Just because they...
ARENA draft

Top 5 Card Picks for Arena

As everyone knows, the arena and constructed modes are very different styles of play. One of the biggest differences is the importance of card rarities. In constructed, as long as you have the card the rarity doesn’t mean much,...

PGL: The Manila Major Done Right

Congratulations to OG! Another major in the bag. OG are the first team to win two Valve events - Manila and last fall's Frankfurt Major. Also interesting to note - both OG and Team Liquid, the runner up team,...

Dynamic Queue Drafting Strategy: 3 Tips for Perfection

There is more to a successful dynamic queue drafting phase than just making sure you ban all of the OP champions. Today we're going to talk about a few small optimizations you can apply to your drafting strategy to...