All the Old Gods have been revealed, but there are still many cards to be revealed. The reveals continue this week, and for the...
Back in mid-January of 2017, Hearthstone's developers announced they would be adding an Arena Leaderboard towards the end of the month. Well, as of...
With the release of the League of Explorers expansion, many new decks have been created, some more gimmicky than others. Cards like Reno Jackson...
Hearthstone's June update featured a variety of fixes and a ton of new features. In fact, there are too many to properly discuss, so...
New Cards Everywhere! This week had a ton of new cards, so this week’s installment will be just put towards addressing them all. Without further...
Introduction Silence is one of the core mechanics used in Hearthstone. It was implemented with the launch of the game. It removes all abilities and...
Hunter decks haven't been good in a very long time, but Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro expansion has managed to bring Midrange Hunter decks back...
If you’ve read many of my articles, you'll know that I hate aggressive decks. Not all of them, but most. I do play them, but I...
The release of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan brought with it many new Reno cards. Very quickly it was established that Warlock was the best...
This past weekend, many big names in the Hearthstone world sat down to play for their chance to go to Blizzcon in November. In...
Introduction This deck is commonly referred to as Pirate Warrior, but it could just as easily be called ‘Face Warrior’. With every card in the...
Kobolds and Catacombs has been out for a few days now. That’s not enough for a defined meta, but it is enough to start...