There are many cards in Hearthstone, currently and in the past, that aren’t good at the moment, but have a lot of potential. Cards...
New Cards Everywhere!
This week had a ton of new cards, so this week’s installment will be just put towards addressing them all. Without further...
The Trinity Series cup continues this week! For those who missed it, the Trinity Series is a team-based Hearthstone tournament. Teams of three, and...
The Journey to Un’Goro reveal season is finally upon us. Over the next two weeks, the entire 135 card Hearthstone expansion will be revealed....
Aggro Murloc was a thing back in beta. Warlock Aggro Murloc was actually viable, if not top tier. However, since then Murlocs haven’t received...
The release date for Kobolds and Catacombs is right around the corner, and it's time to take a closer look at three of the...
After Hearthstone's recent balance changes in Patch 9.1, the game's meta has shifted drastically. Currently there is a deck from every class in tier...
It's finally 2017. Happy New Year to everyone! For our first Hearthstone article of the New Year, we wanted to take a look back...