With their most recent set, The Grand Tournament, Blizzard released a new Hearthstone mechanic: Inspire. Inspire is a mechanic that does something when you...
Celestial Invitational
The Celestial Invitational pits pros against each other, forcing them to win against every class in a best of seventeen tournament. The formats also...
Priest has been in a bad place for a while. In fact, I myself recently wrote about how the new Priest cards are awful....
New Cards Everywhere!
This week had a ton of new cards, so this week’s installment will be just put towards addressing them all. Without further...
The 2016 Hearthstone Championship Tour is coming up, and it’s time to start getting prepared. The first week of matches is this week, and...
The Paladin Quest in Journey to Un'Goro has finally been revealed. We've seen seven of the nine Quests so far, and the expansion's release...
The second wing of The League of Explorers has come out this past week, and with it the second legendary explorer: Brann Bronzebeard. Like...
The Families
The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion added three crime families, or factions. We’ve discussed them quite a bit here, but I’ll briefly explain....