
Hearthstone Control Shaman Banner

Control Quest Shaman Guide

Quest Shaman is one of the most popular decks in Year of the Dragon so far. It's an extremely flexible deck that shows good results against any class on every stage of the game. In the recent...
Year of the Raven

The Year of the Raven Rotations

The Year of the Raven is finally here and there will be a lot of changes with cards rotating out. Three of the sets in Standard will be removed from rotation alongside a small selection of cards from the...
Shaman - Morgl

Hearthstone: The “Best” Shaman Decks

Roughly a year ago Hearthstone was commonly referred to as Shamanstone. Shaman was so strong that the two decks from this class were rated first and second in terms of power, and most tier lists added an additional tier...
Hearthstone Dwarf

Kobolds and Catacombs: Budget Beginner Decks

Every time an expansion comes out it gets harder and harder to start playing Hearthstone. There are so many cards to choose from, and it can be very expensive to test different combinations. That's why we’ve gathered some of the...
Kobolds and Catacombs

The Five Worst Cards from Kobolds and Catacombs

Kobolds and Catacombs brought us a lot of really strong cards when it was released last year. Some would even argue that the expansion, which included 135 new cards, was too strong. However, there aren’t a lot of incredibly...
Several cards from Hearthstone's Kobolds and Catacombs expansion have been released, including Kathrena Winterwisp, The Runespear, and Duskbreaker

New Hearthstone Card Analysis: Kathrena, Runespear, and More

Blizzard is still releasing details about the upcoming Kobolds and Catacombs expansion. We've taken a look at the upcoming Dungeon Run mode, and analyzed the new Recruit mechanic. Today, we're taking a close look at Kathrena Winterwisp, The Runespear,...
Now that Hearthstone has launched Patch 9.1, decks like Tempo Rogue, Token Shaman, and Midrange Hunter are starting to carve out their place in the meta.

Hearthstone Meta Report: The Best New Decks in Patch 9.1

Hearthstone’s Patch 9.1.0 nerfed a variety of cards, including Innervate, Spreading Plague, Hex, Fiery War Axe, and Murloc Warleader. When I discussed the patch, I figured that the changes would hurt the top decks, but probably wouldn't remove them....
Blizzard has announced some sweeping nerfs to a variety of longtime Hearthstone staples, including Fiery War Axe, Hex, and Innervate.

Blizzard Announces Nerfs to Druid and Fiery War Axe

Nerfs are officially coming to Hearthstone. After the past month of Druid dominating ladder, Blizzard finally decided to do something about it. But it's not just Druid who's getting some tweaks. Several staple cards have been hit by Blizzard's...
Valeera the Hollowed is one of the Death Knights included in Hearthstone's Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion.

New Epics and Death Knights: Thrall, Valeera, and Friends

The newest batch of Knights of the Frozen Throne cards have been released, and we've also got our third and fourth Death Knights to discuss. The first one is Thrall, the new Shaman Death Knight, and the second one is...
Knights of the Frozen Throne reveals are coming out of Blizzard headquarters.

Hearthstone: Frost Lich Jaina and New Legendary Reveals

Hearthstone's reveal season has kicked into high gear this week. For now, I'll be ignoring the 'Prince' legendaries, because honestly, they are garbage. Today, let's talk about the real legendaries. Frost Lich Jaina One of the latest Death Knights is a Mage replacement, an undead...
Journey to Un'Goro is adding a host of interesting new Murlocs, as well as a powerful Quest for Shaman.

Shaman’s New Quest: Uniting the Murlocs

Aggro Murloc was a thing back in beta. Warlock Aggro Murloc was actually viable, if not top tier. However, since then Murlocs haven’t received much love. The Murlocs that have been released since beta mostly fit in niche settings....
Year of the Mammoth - Hearthstone

Hearthstone’s Year of the Mammoth: The Cards

  The Year of the Kraken is winding up, and Blizzard has finally put out their announcements for the new year. Welcome to the Year of the Mammoth! In 2017, players will see some of Hearthstone's core features get a makeover...