
Professional Hearthstone Featured Image

Breaking into Professional Hearthstone: Part Two

Editor's note: this article is the second installment of our series about becoming a professional Hearthstone player. Several weeks ago, one of our readers sent us an e-mail noting that there isn't much coverage out there about the semi-professional...
Trinity Series Banner

Shocking Start to Trinity Series: Murdered by Murlocs

The Trinity Series tournament is a team-based Hearthstone tournament hosted by ESL. There are eight teams competing, each comprised of three members, and all of the teams bring one deck for every class. The teams both ban two classes, and...
Reno Mage Banner

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Reno Mage

The release of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan brought with it many new Reno cards. Very quickly it was established that Warlock was the best Reno class, with Priest trailing. Reno Mage was thrown to the dumpsters, deemed virtually unplayable....
The Hearthstone devs have spoken.

Hearthstone: The Developers Have Spoken

Lately there have been a lot of criticisms of the Hearthstone developers for their lack of communication. I wrote an article on the subject just last week. However, since then, Ben Brode has commented on the forums and Reddit. He...
Hearthstone Banner 5

Hearthstone’s New Player Experience Sucks

Lately there have been a lot of people complaining about the new player experience. Players who have tried to get their friends to play, or are new themselves. They try and start new accounts, and quickly get frustrated and...
Rock Paper Scissors

The Rock Paper Scissors Meta

I’ve talked a lot about my issues and concerns with the current meta lately. I feel it’s too fast, and your opening draw will often decide the outcome of the game. Today, I'm doing a different type of analysis: we’re going...

The Map Randomizer Misrepresentation

ESL One Cologne 2014 was the first time Valve had implemented a map randomizer at a Major, and they've been used at every Major that followed it. The random map draw was meant to add variety to the map pool...
DOTA2 ESL One Genting Logo

ESL One Genting: New Year, New Meta

It's just about time for ESL One Genting, and the views look amazing. The talent is on their way to Malaysia and the organizers are setting up the arena. Participating Teams: Fnatic (Direct Invite) Digital Chaos (Direct Invite) Wings Gaming (Direct...
Ziggs ADC

ADC Is Dead: Botlane Paradigm Shift

I haven't dug into Riot's data through the API. I haven't even looked at the patch notes. I'm speaking mostly from anecdote and information collected from memes when I say this: ADC is dead. As if it weren't enough that the...
What's in a meta? Lots of overpowered stuff, it turns out.

Hearthstone: 2016 Meta Review

It's finally 2017. Happy New Year to everyone! For our first Hearthstone article of the New Year, we wanted to take a look back at the meta throughout 2016. A look at the best, the worst, and the Shamans. Are...
No Communication Banner

Dear Hearthstone Developers…

Background The last week or so, the Hearthstone subreddit has been overtaken by rants aimed at the developers. Many of the concerns are things I agree with wholeheartedly and have written about myself in the past. Hearthstone isn’t going the way...
Patches the Pirate rears his swashbuckling head.

Elusive Turn Five: The Worst Hearthstone Meta to Date

Recently, many professional players, as well as community members, have expressed their unhappiness with the state of Hearthstone. This dissatisfaction is a direct result of several cards printed in the recent Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion, and it may...