
Was Inspire a Successful Mechanic?

With their most recent set, The Grand Tournament, Blizzard released a new Hearthstone mechanic: Inspire. Inspire is a mechanic that does something when you use your hero power. As soon as inspire was announced concerns began to circle about...

So I Heard You like Giants?

Giants are fun, aren’t they? Hearthstone has some pretty amazing giants, and what is better than dropping four giants in a single turn? You’re probably thinking “a handlock guide, eh?” NOPE! This here is an Echo Mage guide. Introduction You may...

Grim Patron: The Deck That’s Killing Hearthstone

Ah, Grim Patron. You are indeed a horrible plague upon the beauty of Hearthstone. Almost every Hearthstone player has faced this deck, capable of one-turn-kills that are impossible to prevent, at least once in their time playing. The basic concept...

Deck Tech: Post-TGT Handlock

TGT Handlock: Playing Life Tap Warlock Handlock is a control warlock deck centered around using Warlock's hero power, Life Tap, to draw a large hand that allows you to play powerful cards such as Twilight Drake or Mountain Giant on turn 4/5...

The 5 Worst Hearthstone Legendary Cards

Legendary cards in Hearthstone are generally pretty powerful. However, some of them just don't live up to the expectations. 5. Hemet Nesingwary Weighing in at 5 mana, Hemet Nesingwary has a pretty horrible stat distribution. 6/3 leads him to be killed...

Top 5 Strongest Carries in Dota 2 – 2014/15

5. Chaos Knight Chaos Knight is a useful ganker and semi-carry. Chaos Knight is great in the early game due to how strong he can become by farming up and constantly ganking multiple lanes. He has one of the highest...

Top 10 Best Heroes in Dota 2 – 2014/15

10. Crystal Maiden Crystal Maiden is a support champion that can slow enemies and give mana back to her team. She works well on any team and is extremely useful in team fights because of her ability to root the...