
3 Tactics Used by Poker Pros That Can Help LoL Players Climb ELO

Grinding out ranked games can become extremely taxing on the mind and soul. At times you become genuinely curious whether or not it's a mistake that you keep getting matched up with under performing teammates, or if you just aren't as good at...

LCS Playoffs: More Strategic Play in Best of Five Series

Only a single week of regular season action remains in both North America and Europe as the 2016 Spring Split comes to a close. This last week is most important to bottom tier teams who will try to avoid...

Taking a Magical Journey: A Look How Far Bard Has Come

Yesterday Bard celebrated his first birthday on Summoner's Rift. It was 1 year ago when the wandering caretaker was first released, but it feels like just yesterday this champion was being banned by players to prevent anyone on their...

Blizzard Refusing to Nerf May Cause Issues down the Road

As anyone who has played competitive Hearthstone is aware, Blizzard has had a poor track record when it comes to nerfing cards in Hearthstone. They used to do balance changes often back in Beta, but as soon as the...

The Top Top-Laners to Top Games

Imagine if someone had told you a year ago that Quinn, Darius, and Gangplank would all be top tier picks? That would sound almost as insane as telling someone two years ago that Garen would be over powered for...

How Standard Will Change Current Meta Decks

With the recent announcement that there will be a new format released constituting only basic cards and the cards from the most recent two years of sets, we’ve gone through and looked at the top decks in the current...

The Case for Corki — the Daring Bombardier

Following in the footsteps of the LCK and LPL, there's been a recent rise of Corki in competitive play. It might come as no surprise, considering his current state in the meta. Not only does he have poke with his...
Best Mid Lane Champions Season 6

League of Legends: Best Mid Lane Champions of Season 6

We are now a few weeks into Season 6, and we are starting to see how the meta is taking shape. AD items have been buffed and marksmen have been reworked, making them extremely popular. Now that squishy ADCs...
Aggro Druid has returned in Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro expansion. It's fast, flexible, and fun deck that's good in most matchups.

Hearthstone Unconventional Decks Pt. 3: Egg Druid

There are many decks which are a staple in the meta game of Hearthstone. Playing them is very effective if you plan on climbing the ranks. But this series isn’t about that. Here we’re going to go into some...

Lane Swapping for Beginners

  Over the past few years, lane swapping has become an integral part of competitive League of Legends.  Teams that pull it off, often end up destroying in the early game, making it easier to secure a win. Lane swapping...

The Final Explorer in the League of Explorers Expansion

The final explorer comes out this week, and she is entirely unlike the other three. Over the last month, each of the other explorers have proven themselves to be extremely valuable in the right contexts. Reno spawned an entire...

Dota 2 Patch Recap and Predictions: 6.85 and 6.86

Nerfs All things considered, Tusk is probably the prime candidate for nerfs in the next patch. Tusk has been a pick/ban priority in many pro games in 6.85. His Ice Shards ability has a relatively low cooldown and damage that...