
Aggro Druid is one of the many powerful aggressive decks that have risen to the top of Hearthstone's meta since the Journey to Un'Goro expansion released.

Journey to Un’Goro Meta Report #5: Attack of the Aggro Decks

Aggro decks are back. What can we say? It was fun while it lasted. That’s right folks, the period of experimentation following the release of Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro expansion is officially over. Four out of of the top...
Midrange Hunter isn't the strongest deck in the Hearthstone meta right now, but it's still strong.

Midrange Hunter Guide

Hunter decks haven't been good in a very long time, but Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro expansion has managed to bring Midrange Hunter decks back from the dead. Hunter is certainly not the most popular class, nor the most oppressive...
N'Zoth has been a popular choice in the most recent Heroic Tavern Brawl. Many Hearthstone streamers have experimented with decks that include N'Zoth, to varying degrees of success.

Heroic Tavern Brawl: N’Zoth Reigns Supreme

The third Heroic Tavern Brawl has arrived! Like it has been in the past, the Heroic Tavern Brawl is a Hearthstone event that caters to the best of the best. Streamers love this week, but for us mere mortals,...
Is Hearthstone's stable meta a sign of health, or is lack of innovation hurting the game?

Opinion: Hearthstone’s Failure to Innovate

Hearthstone has always struggled with innovation. Every cycle, without fail, the community will invent a couple oddball decks that are surprisingly successful, but for the most part, the archetypes are established and most players follow decklists. There are about a...
Nature's Prophet is a popular hero to draft in a deathball strat, known for his fearsome early game presence and ability to rat the other team to death.

Dota 2: What Is a Deathball Strat?

If you tuned into Dota 2's Kiev Major last week, you might've heard the analyst panel mention the possible appearance of a "deathball strat." Popular among teams from the CIS region, a deathball strat prioritizes ganking and fighting over laning and...
Aggro Druid has returned in Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro expansion. It's fast, flexible, and fun deck that's good in most matchups.

Journey to Un’Goro Deck Guide: Aggro Druid

Egg Druid was one of my favorite decks before it got lost to the abyss of Wild. Originally created by J4CKIECHAN, Egg Druid was a unique deck that made use of underpowered cards efficiently. Now, with the release of...
Two Paladin decks have taken Hearthstone's meta by storm. Midrange Paladin and Murloc Paladin are starting to become incredibly popular ladder decks in Journey to Un'Goro.

Journey to Un’Goro Meta Report #3: The Rise of Paladin

Hearthstone's meta has been slowly settling over the past several weeks. As the new Journey to Un'Goro decks become more refined, they're bound to move around a few ranks. Normally, however, we don't see drastic changes--a deck might move up...
Valve's updates to CS:GO have started to look more and more out of touch over the past year.

Esports Ain’t Easy: What Valve Can Learn from Riot Games

Over the past year, Valve's updates to CS:GO have been few and far between, but while these patches lack in frequency, they've almost always been significant. In the time that's passed since the release of the R8 Revolver, Valve have...
It's not only the Quests that are making Journey to Un'Goro's metagame feel fast, it's everything. Will the expansion ever slow down?

Need for Speed: Hearthstone’s Fast and Furious Meta

Hearthstone has been feeling fast for a while now. When the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion dropped, many players felt that games were suddenly over on turn five. In Pirates, Hearthstone's meta picked up the pace again, and the breakneck speed...
Taunt Warrior is a new Hearthstone deck archetype, and it makes full use of Journey to Un'Goro's new Quest for Warrior.

Journey to Un’Goro Deck Guide: Taunt Warrior

Taunt Warrior is a new Hearthstone deck archetype, spawned by Blizzard's Journey to Un’Goro expansion. While the deck itself is new, it's not exactly hard to see why these cards work well together--once you finish the new Warrior Quest...
Midrange Hunter, Miracle Rogue, and Aggro Druid are all very strong decks in the current Hearthstone meta.

Journey to Un’Goro Meta Report #2: Non-Quest Decks

The Hearthstone meta has already shifted numerous times in the weeks since the Journey to Un'Goro expansion was released. The Rogue Quest deck has stayed in a dominant position, but the success and popularity of almost everything else has fluctuated wildly....
Recent updates to the Negev and R8 Revolver have left casual players and pros unsure of each gun's future role in CS:GO's historically stagnant weapon metagame.

The New Negev and R8 Revolver: Why, Valve?

Valve’s most recent update to CS:GO on April 12th, 2017 was quite the doozy. After removing the R8 Revolver and Negev from competitive play for a while in order to rework the weapons, Valve have re-added tweaked versions of...