
Mage's Quest in Journey to Un'Goro has created one of the most viable decks in the expansion.

The Best Quest Decks in Journey to Un’Goro

    The Journey to Un’Goro expansion has been out just long enough for us to start getting a good idea about the upcoming meta, and it's clear that Quest decks are a bit hit. Of course, things are still settling,...
We're starting to see the new Hearthstone meta take shape after the release of Journey to Un'Goro.

Journey to Un’Goro Meta Report #1: Early Standout Decks

  Journey to Un’Goro has been out almost a week now, and while it's clear that there's no shortage of viable decks, we're starting to see Hearthstone's new meta take shape. The Standard rotation has killed quite a few decks,...
The new Quest for Mage gives Hearthstone players lots of chances to pull off exciting combos.

The Best New Combos in Journey to Un’Goro

With every new set of Hearthstone cards, Blizzard introduces powerful combos. Some of these are obvious, and others not so much. This time around, Quests are responsible for bringing us a massive new arsenal of combos--the Druid and Mage Quests...
Bastion might finally have a place closer to the top of Overwatch hero tier lists.

Bastion: The Little Robot Who Rekt

Let's talk about Bastion. That's right, everyone's favorite killbot who's got a soft spot for woodland animals. Bastion could be mistaken for the forgotten lovechild of Snow White and Terminator, and today we're putting this Overwatch hero under the microscope. Bastion's Evolution Before Winston...
Blizzard is adding a handful of new Elementals in the Journey to Un'Goro expansion, as well as reworking some older cards.

Journey to Un’Goro: New Elementals

You might be thinking to yourself that Hearthstone has had Elementals for a while. And you'd be right. But also wrong! Elementals have been in the game since release. However, they haven't ever had their own tribe before. They...
The top lane metagame has focused heavily on tanks recently, but the recent nerfs to Maokai are allowing a more diverse range of champions to fill the position.

Top Lane Tank Metagame Shows Signs of Growth

The recent transition to 10 bans in professional League of Legends has entirely reshaped competitive pick and ban strategies, enabling teams to interact more than ever before in champion select. Some picks, however, are so oppressive that they crowd out the other...
Zoolock decks are becoming popular once again in Hearthstone after a series of nerfs to his hardest counter.

Hearthstone Meta Report: Zoolock Is Back in Business

Zoo Warlock (Zoolock) is one of the oldest decks in Hearthstone. Along with Control Warrior and Freeze Mage, it's been around since the early Beta days. However, just like the other two, Zoolock was killed by the Mean Streets...
Both the M4A4 and the M4A1-S have pros and cons. Which rifle is better?

The Great Rifle Debate: M4A4 or M4A1-S?

When CS:GO was released in August of 2012, the M4A4 rifle was the primary Counter-Terrorist assault rifle, replacing the M4A1 from previous versions of CS. The M4A1 offered players the option of changing between silenced and unsilenced firing modes in...

Using Inevitability and Champion Scaling to Win Games

Today, I’m going to be talking about the concept of inevitability, and how you can use it guide your in-game decision making. In games and sports, teams with inevitability have an increased likelihood of winning in the late game. Teams...
The Heroic Tavern Brawl is returning to Hearthstone, where players can pay a steep entry fee for a chance at winning tempting in-game rewards.

Hearthstone: The Best Heroic Tavern Brawl Decks

  Hearthstone's Heroic Tavern Brawl is back, and even if beginners should stay far away from the game mode, for pros or dedicated ladder climbers, it’s a great way to earn a few packs. For those who are unaware, the...
Water Deck Banner

Hearthstone: The Rise of Water Decks

There's been a recent surge in popularity for Hearthstone's water decks. If you're wondering why they're called water decks, there's a simple explanation: Murlocs. Water decks typically include Finja, two Bluegill Warriors, and two Murloc Warleaders. It's the classic Murloc...
Tavern Chatter - Hearthstone Communities

Our Favorite Hearthstone Communities and Resources

When I was thinking about what I’d write for today's article, I decided to check out the news. After opening a handful of tabs in my browser, it hit me: lots of players probably don't know about these resources. There's no...