Dota 2: A Guide to Farming Efficiency
Mastering effective farming patterns is possibly the fastest way you can improve your Dota play, whether you’re a carry player or a support, since with more gold and more items your contribution to team fights will skyrocket and establishing an...
The Five People You Meet in Solo Queue
Mitch Albom, without a doubt, has been one of my favorite writers since I first flipped through the leaves of Tuesdays with Morrie. It also happens that he covered one of the most revered and controversial collegiate basketball teams of all time:...
Deathrattle Paladin Guide: Old Gods
With the release of the new expansion came the Old Gods. Yogg-Saron, master of magic. Y’Shaarj, leader of armies. C’Thun and his many prophets. And lastly, N’Zoth, lord of the dead. Many people thought that N’Zoth would end up...
Locked and Loaded: Tracer in Heroes of the Storm
With the upcoming release of Blizzard’s newest game Overwatch, many players were excited by the prospect of characters from the world of Overwatch making their way into the Nexus. All of Blizzard's previous Heroes came from well-established and understood...
Staying Focused: How to Maintain Motivation While Grinding Ranked Games
For a stranger to competitive gaming the idea of a long gaming session requiring finesse seems ridiculous. How could sitting in front of a computer for 2-3 hours playing games possibly wear you down?
Anybody who has aggressively pursued a...
Overwatch: The End of the Beta Era
With the Overwatch Open Beta kicking off this week and the game's global launch not far away now, Overwatch's Beta is in it's final form and those lucky few who have had access to it will have to prepare themselves for...
Manila Major Direct Invites – Cold Logic or Warm Feelings?
Pretty much every time direct invites are announced, a major storm of controversy rolls into the Dota2-sphere. In Valve's blog post regarding invites, the language regarding the way invites are determined is pretty vague:
"A lot of things change...
Why You Should Not Use a Deck Tracker
What is Deck Tracker?
A year ago, many were up in arms about deck trackers, whether defending them or attacking them. Even still, there is some controversy about the use of deck trackers. While Blizzard has officially allowed their...
Tyler1 Banned Indefinitely: The Long Awaited Permaban of Tyler1
The latest celebrity troll 'Tyler1' has fallen.
After capitalizing on a couple weeks of fame resulting in thousands of Twitch visitors watching his stream, high ELO Draven main Tyler1 has been banned indefinitely by Riot Games. This won't be enough...
Nobody Can Stop Korea: SKT Dominates LCK Playoffs
For 3 consecutive years now, the Korean regional finals have been more competitive than the World Championship finals themselves; many (and not wrongly so) believe Korea to have consistently elevated their game well above other regions. Aside from a...
The Best Mage Deck for Old Gods
Recently a lot of people have been asking me about decks that are viable in the Old Gods expansion. In particular, many people have been asking about Mage decks in the Standard format. Mages got hit quite hard with...
Patch 6.87 Brings New Features – Welcome Changes?
I recently had a conversation with one of our other writers about the "reload" mechanic that is apparently becoming more popular in the ARTS MOBA genre. A few League heroes have it, and it's part of the kit for...