Stop Trying to Be a Pro: The Secret to Having Fun With LoL

For most of us, League of Legends is just a game. For others it's a job, or even a career. Pro gamers, streamers, Riot employees... These people's primary source of income derives from League of Legends. LCS players play this game...

The Big Winner Decks in the Old Gods Expansion

So the expansion has been out for a few days now, and decks have been flooding the ladder. Here’s a quick analysis of the winners and losers in this expansion: Winners: Everyone Losers: No one That’s right, in the days after the...

Dota 2: The Best Heroes in 6.87

The new patch is here and with it a whole bunch of new items, hero tweaks, reworks to pub and competitive drafting, map changes, neutral creep adjustments, and plenty more. It’s going to take a while for all the changes...

Nothing Special: 2016 NA LCS All-Average Team

It's time for some prime off-season material! Now that the 2016 Spring Split has been concluded for a short while now, we can take a look back and gaze upon all the highs and lows, but most importantly,...

Building Whispers, Part 2: Yogg-Saron Rogue

Whispers of the Old Gods has arrived, and with it comes our next deck guide! This time around, we have Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, and he's taken a particular liking to our Roguish antics. Standard format means the game loses some of...

A Eulogy for Inferno, a Truly Great Map (2012 – 2016)

Inferno's out of the Active Duty map pool. Gone, just like that. Replaced by a newer, shinier, FPS-draining overhaul of another classic Counter-Strike map, Nuke. I'm not mad that my terrible computer can barely run it. Nope. Not at...

Communication: Giving Your Teammates the Information They Need to Win

Communication wins games. Every experienced League of Legends player has been a victim of poor communication at one point. In League of Legends there is no voice chat. Strangers are forced to work together and communicate with generic pings and...

The Case for Momentum in Competitive Heroes of the Storm Esports

What defines a successful team in esports? More than any other game, momentum factors in heavily when it comes to winning in Heroes of the Storm. In professional play, winning the first game of a series can quickly set...

The Life of a Top Laner

The Life of a Top Laner, My favorite part about being a top laner is the first spawn onto fountain. I feel like the world is ahead of me - 1v1 outplays to be made, and carries to shut down....

8 Potential Strongest Cards from the Old Gods

The entire Whispers of the Old Gods expansion has now been revealed, and will be released this week. I’d like to take this time to look over the set and pick out some of the cards that I believe...

Merchandise and eSports: You’re Doing It Wrong.

I recently moved from the East Coast to Western Washington. Everywhere I go, I'm bombarded by neon green and navy blue Seahawks products. They're sold at the supermarket, they're sold at the hardware store, and I can buy thousands...

C9 Impact: Cloud 9 Reported to Be Making Significant Changes to LCS Roster

C9 Impact appears to be coming to a NA LCS Summer split near you. Recent reports have revealed that Cloud 9 will swap out long time top laner Balls for Korean top laner Impact for the upcoming NA LCS Summer split. ESPN's Jacob...