Influence points, or IP, are the currency used in League of Legends for unlocking champions and purchasing runes. If you're still getting your bearings on...
Early game vision does more than just spot a ganking jungler. Having vision enables you to make opportune trades in lane, or choose favorable...
Last week, we talked about the basic functions and abilities of support champions in League of Legends: initiation, disengage, healing, shielding, pick-offs, general protection,...
Support players in League of Legends are tasked with controlling vision, peeling for the ADC or other carries, and making sure that they're picking a...
Before I talk about quitting League of Legends, I'd like to share a quick story. Last week, I was playing PLAYERUKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS with a...
The process of itemization begins at level one. But choosing what items to buy--and the order to buy them in--is often overlooked, even by professionals. In...
Feeding, at least in League of Legends, can be loosely defined as an avoidable death where the cost of your death exceeds any potential...
If you've ever watched the hands of a professional League of Legends player while they're competing, you might have noticed that their keyboard seems...
It's always fun to draw parallels between esports and traditional sports. Despite how different the games often look on paper, relevant concepts from physical...
In League of Legends, kiting is an essential offensive and defensive technique for all players, but it's especially important for mid laners and ADCs...
There are good and bad matchups in the top lane, but "true" hard counters are a myth, or at least an exaggeration. Every lane...
When the North American League of Legends Championship Series was founded in Spring of 2013, it turned the heads of countless gamers--with Riot's support, the...