Team SoloMid (TSM)’s League of Legends team has been around since the beginning of the competitive LoL scene. The team has become a staple...
The new rune system has been out for a few months now, and some solid pages have been made. But to newcomers, or returning...
League of Legends is one of the most popular video games in the world. The 2017 World Championship brought in over two million viewers...
In League of Legends, sometimes the early game just doesn't go your way. Perhaps your jungler is having a rough start, or maybe the...
To get better at League of Legends, you need to always be on the lookout for ways to increase the efficiency of your own...
For many League of Legends players, passive abilities are often an afterthought when assessing a champion's kit. However, if you want to play a...
In 2017, Riot Games has given you all the tools. Gone are the days of 'lolreplay bug splat' errors. If you somehow missed the...
I already hate most fan merch, but how do I separate the truly “bad” from just “stuff I don’t like?” After searching for every...
A common piece of advice given to players who want to get better is to “watch replays of their games.” In previous versions of...
In League of Legends, playmaking begins with an assessment of the current game state. When you're trying to make a play, it's important that...
Good map awareness in League of Legends means paying attention to the game state: what the other nine players are building, where they are on...
When you lane against a ranged champion as a melee, your opponent starts the game with a huge advantage. Any time you step into...