Introduction For anyone who hasn’t played Hearthstone in the last year, Tavern Brawl is an interesting weekly challenge. Available Wednesday through Sunday, there’s “a new...
Introduction After losing Call of the Wild, Midrange Hunter’s win rate took a steep dive. People began looking for other Hunter decks to run. This...
Introduction This article is a follow up to the Five Most Popular Neutral Legendaries article we published last week. We dropped it to four because...
Introduction For those of you who have been out of the loop, Blizzard released another new hero skin recently. It is Tyrande, a new Priest...
Introduction Recently I’ve made a foray back into wild mode. Wild is full of decks from the ages, with a few additions. The most common...
Introduction Do you have 1600 extra dust? Are you thinking of crafting a new legendary? Do you want one that will fit in as many...
Patch 6.1.3 Deck Fallout The October 3rd balance changes (nerfs) have officially been implemented. This was the change meant to address problematic cards such as...
Introduction Recently there have been many variants of Shaman decks flying around. This is because Shaman is undisputed as the best class at the moment....
Introduction to Patch 6.1.3 For the past month or so, the Hearthstone community has been very upset with the state of the game. Many professionals...
Introduction Freeze Mage is one of the original decks of Hearthstone. It has had its ups and downs over the years, and it is currently...
Introduction In light of the recent anger towards the general Hearthstone competitive scene, I decided to make more fun guides. These guides are not designed...
Introduction Back when Whispers of the Old Gods was released, a big deal was made about Deathrattle Paladin. Everyone, their mother, and I were playing...