In patch 5.24, the game changes continued for the preseason. The Snowdown skins were released, the names on the end screen were changed to either blue...
For many League of Legends players, passive abilities are often an afterthought when assessing a champion's kit. However, if you want to play a...
Path of Exile Loot Path of Exile is far more than just another Diablo clone, but the game is, ultimately, all about looting. The game gives you...
I need to reduce the size of my champion pool, and maybe you do to. If you're anything like me, you've probably read...
With The International 2017 only a month away, there's a chance we might see a new hero added to the Dota 2 roster in...
LCS 2020 Rosters Have Shifted! The 2020 League of Legends Championship Series spring split had a lot of surprises for...
Runes are a major IP sink. If you're getting into ranked League of Legends or just hit level 20, you should probably be thinking about...
Yorick, Shepard of Souls, remains an underrated solo queue top laner in League of Legends, but if you haven't tried him in a while,...
Why bother mastering Juggernaut? Easy: he's possibly the most flexible carry in the game. Physical and magical damage, strong abilities at all stages of the...
If you have watched any Street Fighter tournaments in the past several years you have no doubt noticed that fightsticks are the most common...
Contributor: Naomi (Solvanas) We fucking loved team Siren - I don't care what anyone else says. But let me tell you my story if you'd...
Getting into competitive Hearthstone isn't the easiest thing in the world. Finding tournaments to watch is easy because they're always on, but knowing which...