Well, the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion has now been completely revealed. We can now go through and honestly, truly, declare which cards are...
It's the most wonderful time of the year, friends. This December, Esports Edition is giving the gift of gaming. You helped make 2016 a great year,...
Feeling lost without Liquid, Secret, NaVi, nor Alliance to root for at Boston? Do you miss iceiceice's specific brand of humor? 'Fear' not (huehuehue),...
In the past couple years, we've seen a surge in the popularity of MOBA games. This kind of competition between titles is healthy. Each time...
Featured image by CrazyJN via Deviant Art. Priest Problems It’s no secret that the Priest class has been struggling quite a bit over the last few...
I am addicted to Yelp. I'm not the hardcore foodie who travels around snapping pics of menus and reviewing every restaurant, bar, and food...
Featured image by mertonses via DeviantArt. Introduction Personally, I’ve been finding the meta stale recently. Midrange Shaman is everywhere. And the only thing worse than losing to...
It's that time of year again. Turkeys. Cranberry sauce. Mashed potatoes. Family dinners that are simultaneously ruined and saved by alcohol. That's right, fellow...
Opening Thoughts: I've been pondering this topic for a while, as it seems to be the same old story each time: teams lose a player...
Quintessences, Seals, Glyphs, and Marks... when I first started playing League of Legends a couple of years ago I had no idea what any of...
Introduction Every time an expansion is launched, new decks are created. Many existing decks are simply modified, but there are always a few entirely new...
I don't believe in ELO Hell. There isn't a MMR where the other players completely compromise your progress, but other players can make some...