
New Overwatch Update: Changes to Hog’s Hook and More!

On January 5th, Blizzard shipped the first Overwatch update of 2017, and it included sizable buffs, nerfs, and general fixes to several heroes. Roadhog's Hook The most requested of these fixes is an update to Roadhog’s hook. Previously, players snagged by Roadhog’s hook were...
Sniper is a terrifying opponent in mid.

The Mid Lane Shuffle: Dota 7.01

With the release of 7.01 balancing out the huge gameplay overhaul that 7.00 brought with some well placed tweaks, it's time to take a look at the meta in some real depth. What better way to start than checking the customary...
Monkey King likes his lanes like he likes his coffee: dominated.

Is the Monkey King Overpowered?

It's time to take a look at Dota's newest addition: the Monkey King. Patch 7.00 brought a whole host of changes, and it will be a while before the Monkey King is added to Captain's Mode and competitive play, but...
dota heroes patch 7.00

The Biggest Winners of Dota 7.00

Patch 7.00 is here, bringing with it a host of fundamental changes to the game and it is already being dubbed Dota 3. Along with the visual changes, the map has been massively reworked and the introduction of Talent...
Lee Sin Splash Art by Riot Games

And This Patch’s Most Popular Champion Is…

Despite the 'League of Farm Junglers' that we're supposed to be operating in, the most popular champion this week is the blind monk, Lee Sin. Even the second paradigmatic option to describe the current metagame, 'League of Tanks,' doesn't...

Jung’s Wednesday Rant: No Plants in My Jungle!

Featured image by MSRoka via DeviantArt. I love change - I really do. It keeps the game exciting and fresh. It forces people to be adaptive and constantly creative. But sometimes, it's just too damn much. And this season, League of...
Shyvana Splash 1

Shyvana Reborn as Dragonslayer: Patch 6.23 Preview

As the League of Legends preseason continues, Patch 6.23 demonstrates Riot's continually incremental approach to balance. In it are a bunch of insignificant bugfixes, slight bruiser buffs, and the resurrection of the Dragonborn. We'll go over the key changes...
Dota 2 Luna best carries 6.88e

Dota 2: The Best Carries to Learn on 6.88f

Who's the best carry right now? Which heroes are Arteezy, ShaDow, and Miracle spamming ahead of the Boston Major? Team compositions and strategies are often heavily based around the carry hero, so getting the right one in your draft is crucial...
Juggernaut Dota guide 6.88

Dota 2 Carry Guide: Juggernaut on 6.88e

Why bother mastering Juggernaut? Easy: he's possibly the most flexible carry in the game. Physical and magical damage, strong abilities at all stages of the match, a quick farmer, hard to pick off, decent team fight impact but also solo...

Why Valve Should Revert the AWP Nerf

A Brief History of AWP Nerfs In early April of 2015, Valve implemented a patch to CS:GO that reduced the speed at which a player could move while scoped in with a sniper rifle. This meant that players could no...

Four Heroes the Pros Won’t Pick in Tournaments

No matter what patch we're in, there are always heroes that look strong in pubs but get largely ignored by professional teams. Why is this? Are these heroes only good against disorganized, lower-tier rabble? Are they too easy to counter...

Phantom Assassin Guide for 6.88e

Phantom Assassin has swiftly become the most popular hero in public play in 6.88, and we're even seeing professional teams picking her up every now and again. Phantom Strike now pierces spell immunity, a change brought by 6.88 that has...