

Eighteen Avoidable CS:GO Mistakes I Made Last Week

One of the fundamental rules of Counter-Strike is that you are bad, and you will always be bad. If you start to think you're good--and if you think you never make mistakes--well, I've got news for you: you're wrong. The silver...

Dota 2: My Quest for Improvement

For me, there's a frustrating disconnect when it comes to sports. I understand the rules of tennis and some of the finer points, like putting spin on the ball. But when it comes to actually executing the motion, I...

The 5 Types of Overwatch Players

As you journey through Overwatch's solo queue you're going to be playing with all sorts of players and we all have different attitudes towards the game. Some of us are just there to have fun really, some of us...

Overwatch: The End of the Beta Era

With the Overwatch Open Beta kicking off this week and the game's global launch not far away now, Overwatch's Beta is in it's final form and those lucky few who have had access to it will have to prepare themselves for...

Patch 6.87 Brings New Features – Welcome Changes?

I recently had a conversation with one of our other writers about the "reload" mechanic that is apparently becoming more popular in the ARTS MOBA genre. A few League heroes have it, and it's part of the kit for...

A Eulogy for Inferno, a Truly Great Map (2012 – 2016)

Inferno's out of the Active Duty map pool. Gone, just like that. Replaced by a newer, shinier, FPS-draining overhaul of another classic Counter-Strike map, Nuke. I'm not mad that my terrible computer can barely run it. Nope. Not at...

Merchandise and eSports: You’re Doing It Wrong.

I recently moved from the East Coast to Western Washington. Everywhere I go, I'm bombarded by neon green and navy blue Seahawks products. They're sold at the supermarket, they're sold at the hardware store, and I can buy thousands...

Mana – Less Heroes in the ARTS MOBA Genre

Mana management is one of the primary skills in ARTS MOBAs, yet even the pros occasionally screw it up. Ahh, reminds me of the Clown9 days of EE The lack of heroes without mana in Dota is one thing that sets...

The Birth of Esports Part 4: Street Fighter

In this five-part series, we’ll go back to five of the oldest games that birthed esports, play them, and examine their relevance in esports today. Street Fighter made its debut in arcades, in 1987. In this game, the player takes control of...

Overwatch: Introducing Competitive Mode

A rewarding competitive mode is a core feature of every successful eSport and Blizzard have recently released details for Overwatch's Competitive Play. This is going to be the most important game mode for players who want to push themselves...

Personal Branding – How Can New Pros Stand Out?

This is part three of a series of articles on the tremendous expectations placed on relatively young professional eSports players. Before they have the chance to fully develop as people and gain the skills that most of us take...

The Birth of Esports Part 3: Counter-Strike

In this five-part series, we’ll go back to five of the oldest games that birthed esports, play them, and examine their relevance in esports today. Counter-Strike Perhaps the series that is still most relevant to today's esports also has quite a...