The Low Down Patch 6.2.0 is one that has been a long time coming. The first is the text fixes. Blizzard didn’t get all of them, but...
After a full day of streaming capped off by hosting League of Legends talk show 'Beyond the Rift' with co-host William 'Scarra' Li, League...
The Boston Major qualifiers were recently announced, and it's time to start speculating on invites. The post-TI6 roster shuffle was pretty bloody, and team compositions...
Introduction For anyone who hasn’t played Hearthstone in the last year, Tavern Brawl is an interesting weekly challenge. Available Wednesday through Sunday, there’s “a new...
The Season Comes to an End Riot has spoken. The 2016 League of Legends season will come to a close on November 7th; less than...
If anyone has been the pillar of European League of Legends since its inception, no player could be more fitting than Bora "Yellowstar"...
Dust 2 Forever There are many maps that can be played in CS:GO. At any given time there are seven different maps in the active...
There's no getting around it: Overwatch lore is really, really confusing. What’s an Omnic? What actually is Overwatch? What happened to Soldier: 75? Where...
Arteezy is never really far from the spotlight, consistently proving himself as both a top-tier player and a top-tier meme machine. Much like EternalEnvy,...