Making a Super Team Work
Team SoloMid, Elements, the Golden State Warriors - one of these is not like the other ones; but we aren't looking for their differences. Instead, let's dive into just one shared characteristic: a top tier team adding one more superstar in an attempt to reach new horizons.
Clinton “Fear” Loomis: Veteran of USA Dota
In honor of Independence Day this week, here's a feature on one of the USA's most well known players: Clinton "Fear" Loomis.
Fear Darkness
Affectionately called "Old Man Fear," at 28 Loomis is indeed one of the older Dota 2 pros, especially...
Overwatch: How to Counter Bastion
Bastion seems to be a popular hero of with a lot of the newer Overwatch players and that's completely understandable – there's no better feeling that mowing down enemy heroes as they desperately try and mount an attack on your position. He's a...
SFV: EVO to Be Broadcast on ESPN
The Evolution Championship Series (EVO) is the largest and longest running fighting game tournament holder in the world. The event will be held from July 15-17 this year in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Mandalay Bay Events Center. The very...
NA LCS Summer: Who’s Hot, and Who’s Not
The 2016 NA LCS Summer Split is already more than half over. The conclusion of week 5 leaves us with a top 3 of TSM, Immortals, and a three-way tie between Team Liquid, Cloud 9, and Team EnvyUs.
Overwatch: Blizzard’s Competitive Blunder
The last update to Overwatch finally came with the introduction of a ranked "competitive" mode. Now that the long awaited update was finally released, how does it fare against expectations? Did the community get what it wanted or did Blizzard's... at ELEAGUE
Hopes for’s success come to a close along with the first half of ELEAGUE. Although VP lost handily, is their slump ending?
Group F
VP’s group stage games went quite well as they placed second in points. 1-1 against EnvyUs and Gambit....
Yogg-Saron: Why We Hate Him
Hearthstone players in general were overjoyed when Standard rolled out. A large part of this was because the Goblins vs. Gnomes expansion was leaving. GvG added a lot of random effects to Hearthstone. These random effects were a lot...
xPeke ADC: How Much Longer Does This Last?
Things are finally starting to look slightly better for Origen.
After a nightmare off-season in which their star bot lane duo walked away from the team, and then the replacement ADC got benched only a couple games into the split,...
Top Five Arena Class Cards – Paladin
Paladin is often considered to be the second strongest arena class at the moment, behind Mage. Before Whispers of the Old Gods launched, it was neck and neck for first place. They didn’t get any good cards from Whispers,...
Dendi and NaVi Attend All Six Internationals
Danil "Dendi" Ishuten has represented the NaVi organization for six years. That's a longer career than any job I've had, that's for sure. Dendi is now the only player to attend every TI as a member of the...
Medivh: Bad or Misunderstood?
We didn’t think it could get worse than Chromie or Lunara. It turns out it can.
Blizzard typically tunes Heroes to about a 50% win rate, give or take. When a widely played Hero tops out over 60%, we start...