Half of today's games were one-sided stomps, with the other half being slow and boring. That is except for the last, where NRG faced...
We are just about at the halfway point of the 2016 LCS season. Teams are beginning to shake off early season rust and develop...
  This week the EU LCS opened up with Elements vs. Team Vitality. Coming into the 2016 Spring Split, these two teams had polar expectations....
Imagine if someone had told you a year ago that Quinn, Darius, and Gangplank would all be top tier picks? That would sound almost...
We had almost a full slate of David versus Goliath style matches today on the 2016 EU LCS spring split week 4, day 1....
Rather than conducting weekly Power Rankings, I will be doing a statistical analysis of the LCS teams. This week's article will take a look...
Following in the footsteps of the LCK and LPL, there's been a recent rise of Corki in competitive play. It might come as no surprise,...
The halfway point of the 2016 LCS Spring Split is quickly approaching. This is the time for fantasy players everywhere to stop what they...
We are now a few weeks into Season 6, and we are starting to see how the meta is taking shape. AD items have...
This is the third and final installment for the Monopolizing or Professionalizing series. If you have not already checked out the first article or...
Every new split there are always new teams and new players. As good as they were before, the LCS is where their skills will...
The most shocking roster change in LCS history took place this past off-season when long-time CLG carry Doublelift left the team to join rivals...