After what feels like an eternity, the League Championship Series is starting up again. With all the drama, team switches, and new players, this...
There are few champions that have managed to consistently adapt to the ever-changing meta and stay useful over a long period of time. Gragas,...
Worlds 2017 is almost here. The World Championship’s play-in stage begins in just eight days. Essentially, the play-in stage is a tournament before the...
Teamfight Tactics Set Three Storms the Scene The new Teamfight Tactics set has been out for a while, and...
Riot has expanded the Smart Ping system to allow players to ping their spell cooldowns, jungle timers, and even gold and item status by...
LCS 2020 Rosters Have Shifted! The 2020 League of Legends Championship Series spring split had a lot of surprises for...
It has been 3 weeks since G2 defeated Origen 3-1 in the 2016 EU LCS Spring Split Finals. Just months prior, G2 defeated SK...
Here what New York has to say about League of Legends in this weeks episode of ALL Chat!
Skillshots are an integral part of League of Legends. Even if you don't play skillshot-based champions, you still need to know how they work....
In patch 5.24, the game changes continued for the preseason. The Snowdown skins were released, the names on the end screen were changed to either blue...
It's Saturday, and you're pumped. You've been climbing your way up the ladder and are now only 1 win away from reaching your promos. All...
I bumped into dankcloud (mandatorycloud) the other day in a game, getting absolutely carried by the former LCS star. But perhaps the more surprising aspect of...