What is the Dota 2 Short Film Contest, you ask? Every year around The International, Valve puts up a bunch of prize money for...
It's Saturday, and you're pumped. You've been climbing your way up the ladder and are now only 1 win away from reaching your promos. All...
Player personalities tend to be transferable from game to game, and it turns out that in-game characters across different titles share some eerily similar...
Just the other day I was enjoying a calming normal game with a few friends which had me playing Katarina mid lane against a...
Player personalities tend to be transferable from game to game, and it turns out that in-game characters across different titles share some eerily similar...
Introduction This article is for those fairly new to Hearthstone. If you follow Hearthstone, you’ll often hear people discussing different deck archetypes. The most common...
Introduction Tilt is when a player begins to misplay, and then continues to misplay because of their emotional state. It is present in pretty much...
If you follow Counter Strike, you've probably already heard the news. Valve decided to crack down on skin and item betting sites, catching Dota2Lounge...
Let’s be honest, you’re not always in the mood to play super tryhard competitive games against other humans. Sometimes you’d rather just grind some...
Who Are Wings? Current Roster: Shadow BLink (跳刀跳刀) Faith_Bian Innocence (also displayed as y innocence) Iceice All of these players have been around the pro scene for a bit, mostly playing...
Not all questions are created equal. Some questions are, objectively speaking, pretty damn stupid. Sometimes, when I'm lying in bed at night, trying to fall...
By far, Heroes of the Storm is one of the hardest esports to keep up with. It’s not because there’s too much going on...