If you did not read the article on the proposed changes be sure to check it out here. This will catch you up...
Here's a challenge--load up a game of Matchmaking in CS:GO and see many rounds you can play before a teammate complains about being "baited." It...
Introduction The new Hearthstone expansion One Night in Karazhan’s first wing has been launched. With it, the typical three adventures have opened up. For those...
If you’ve made it to the end game of Path of Exile, you’ve probably heard of Vault farming. If not, Vault farming is the...
The internet era is the era of commercialism. Just look up at the URL of this page. The .com suffix is our way--the internet's way,...
It's Saturday, and you're pumped. You've been climbing your way up the ladder and are now only 1 win away from reaching your promos. All...
Former Immortals top laner Huni is headed to Korea to join SKT. In a video titled "Why Huni isn't on IMT" Immortals CEO Noah...
Disclaimer: No champion is entirely useless. In the right hands every champion can be used effectively. Unicorns of Love made waves when they played...
The folks over at HyperX were kind enough to send out a couple of Pulsefire FPS Pro mice for my coworker and I to...
The question whether to favor casual or competitive players when making game design decisions is relevant to all esports. Especially in Overwatch; different reasons...
Everybody wants to see their name on a list of notable people, and Dota 2's playerbase is no exception. Valve provides Dota 2 leaderboards for each...
Defeat Your Opponents with our Zephrys Priest Guide! There are only a few popular Priest decks in the current...