The Counter-Strike community is needy. Valve gives us a cookie, and we'll spit it out then demand another as though it were our god-given...
Of all the issues Valve constantly receives complaints about with Dota 2, the MOBA's matchmaking system is a perennial source of angst among the game's diehard...
As 2016 comes to a close, one man has stayed relevant throughout the entire year: Ezreal. Currently, he is the most played marksman at...
Since the Summer Games skin released, Blizzard's Dev team has done a solid job of creating and releasing new skins. The Halloween skins were...
My greatest fears have come to fruition. During the reveal of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, I wondered about this. And now it has happened....
With the release of 7.01 balancing out the huge gameplay overhaul that 7.00 brought with some well placed tweaks, it's time to take a look at...
Misplays are something that everyone encounters in Hearthstone. If you're not sure what the term means or can’t figure it out from context, a misplay...
You know what they don't tell you? That you shouldn't listen to music while you game.
Maybe in FPS titles this is a little more...