So let's say hypothetically that you've gotten the lane thing down, you understand the basic map objectives and gold/item mechanics, and you have a...
Beloved esports personalities Day and Purge have teamed up for a new Twitch series: Day Learns Dota. Purge is perhaps most widely known for...
Solar Crest has been a go-to item in Dota in recent patches, making regular appearances in the inventories of both carries and supports alike. And...
With the International 2016 only a couple of weeks away, it looks like patch 6.88b is going to provide us with this year's metagame....
Dota 7.01 has been out for a while now, and we’re probably all a bit tired of seeing mid Ember and Helms of the...
One of my favorite things about large Dota 2 events are the special cosmetics that Valve releases to support these tournaments. There's something undeniably...
  Dota is a way of life in China. There's a reason why the country of China has just as many TI championships as all...
Substitute Players on Dota/LoL Rosters I finally had a chance to catch some live tournament matches during Starladder i-League this weekend. One highlight of the...
Is there anything more frustrating in Dota than sitting in your base trying to repel and endless army of illusions from whittling down your...
I love "crossover" media, especially the hilariously illustrated recap comics. Here's a list of four great Dota comics to read during the downtime between drama ...
It's just about time for ESL One Genting, and the views look amazing. The talent is on their way to Malaysia and the organizers are...
So let's get this out of the way right off the bat: I can't stand the Patriots. After spending seven years in New England,...