Dota 2 is free-to-play, which means that Valve can't rely on selling copies of the game to turn a profit. Instead, the game is supported...
Dota 2's Kiev Major kicks off in a weeks time and all signs indicate that we've got a phenomenal tournament in the works. There's a...
The brutal Canadian winter is finally coming to a close, and the scent of spring is in the air. The changing of the seasons...
While many of the inner workings behind Dota 2's matchmaking system remain shrouded in secrecy, no feature is speculated about as much as the...
With the Dota Asia Championships 2017 behind us, and the Kiev Major only a few weeks away, it's highly likely that IceFrog will make...
One of my favorite things about large Dota 2 events are the special cosmetics that Valve releases to support these tournaments. There's something undeniably...
The Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017 has highlighted some huge shifts in the metagame, and plenty of top teams are reevaluating their prioritization of certain heroes. We've seen...
Support can be a pretty damn thankless role, and it takes a true captain to keep your carries in check. Support players are like stagehands...
I recently sat down with the founder of Desoladies, Ashley "Ashnichrist" Christenson. If you haven't heard of Desoladies yet, it's one of more tightly-knit esports communities...
Over the past couple weeks, Valve has released two gameplay updates for Dota 2--the dust from Patch 7.03 barely had time to settle before Patch 7.04...
The sale of Dota cosmetics is an essential part of Valve's free-to-play business model. Unlike League and Heroes of the Storm, Dota doesn't require...
I love "crossover" media, especially the hilariously illustrated recap comics. Here's a list of four great Dota comics to read during the downtime between drama ...