Phischer Stanley

Phischer Stanley
Phischer spends much of his time at his computer investing hours into League of Legends. Whether its playing, following the competitive scene or doing analysis, he always finds enjoyment in eSports.
At EGLX 2016, Esports Edition had the opportunity to meet and interview the Destiny Streamer and personality, nKuch. We took some time to find out...
The App After many months of hard work, we are excited to introduce Esports TV! Esports TV is a FREE mobile app that rewards gamers...
Rather than conducting weekly Power Rankings, I will be doing a statistical analysis of the LCS teams. This week's article will take a look...
Rather than conducting weekly Power Rankings, I will be doing a statistical analysis of the LCS teams. This week's article will take a look...
A while back, Esports Edition went on a search for an amateur eSports organization to find out what its like to start from the...
These Power Rankings combine both the NA and EU LCS teams into one list. For more information as to why and to see last...
Why Combine NA and EU? If we look at the most recent World Championship, the results would prove that EU had a stronger performance overall...
Thank you everyone who participated in our survey. The survey is now closed. Good luck and the winners will be announced shortly, remember to...
Top lane attitude: For anyone who has played a match on the Summoner's Rift, they would agree that the top lane role could be rather...
With the conclusion of Worlds, teams set their sights on the 2016 season and Riot isn't the only organization at work during the preseason....
While everyone was searching for their Halloween costumes, Team Solomid ended their search for a new ADC. Early Halloween day, TSM announced that they...
To little surprise, SKTelecom T1 finished their semifinal series against Origen with three consecutive wins. The completion of this series brings SKT to an...