Solo Queue

Music Headset

Jung’s Wednesday Rant: Don’t Game with Music

You know what they don't tell you? That you shouldn't listen to music while you game. Maybe in FPS titles this is a little more obvious, given the importance of hearing footsteps and even the direction from which bullets are...
Lee Sin Splash Art by Riot Games

And This Patch’s Most Popular Champion Is…

Despite the 'League of Farm Junglers' that we're supposed to be operating in, the most popular champion this week is the blind monk, Lee Sin. Even the second paradigmatic option to describe the current metagame, 'League of Tanks,' doesn't...

Jung’s Wednesday Rant: No Plants in My Jungle!

Featured image by MSRoka via DeviantArt. I love change - I really do. It keeps the game exciting and fresh. It forces people to be adaptive and constantly creative. But sometimes, it's just too damn much. And this season, League of...
Shyvana Splash 1

Shyvana Reborn as Dragonslayer: Patch 6.23 Preview

As the League of Legends preseason continues, Patch 6.23 demonstrates Riot's continually incremental approach to balance. In it are a bunch of insignificant bugfixes, slight bruiser buffs, and the resurrection of the Dragonborn. We'll go over the key changes...

Singed Support Banned: Screw Your Meta

The biggest barrier to innovation in League of Legends is Riot itself. From introducing patches in the middle of important stretches of competitive LoL, to completely re-making the jungle from season to season, players are almost never able to...

Riot Was Right to Remove Normal Draft

Every time something gets taken away from the community, an incredibly vocal minority starts crying out, usually exaggerating facts and ignoring the objective. Last season, it was solo queue. Before that, the reaction had surrounded things like Mana Potions...

Scouting Grounds Final List: Not Too Impressive

As Season 6 comes to a close, and the offseason begins for League of Legends, a fantastic talent scouting opportunity is about to transpire. The list of participants for the North American Scouting Grounds has finally been narrowed down to...
riven fun champions

Jung’s Wednesday Rant: I Hate Fun Champions

You know what really grinds my gears? 'Fun' champions. I know some sadists out there have a blast playing Nunu and Teemo, but that's not what I mean. You know what I mean - mechanically fun champions. Yasuo, Riven, and Vayne...
Winter is Coming

Winter is Coming… to Summoner’s Rift

Once upon a time, Summoner's Rift wasn't held to its current stale state. It had a beautiful three seasons, before the set of updates reviving the map (why no Spring?). But as a result, the weather became forever still...
After Worlds 2016, Miss Fortune has seen a resurgence in solo queue popularity.

The Pro Player Effect: Miss Fortune’s Solo Queue Revival

If you've managed to catch the semifinals of Worlds 2016, one sleeper pick has surprised more than the others: Miss Fortune - not only Miss Fortune, but Miss Fortune support. The ROX Tigers first showcased this cheesy champ against SKT...

5 Ways to Break Up with Your Duo Queue Partner

There's never a right time to say goodbye. Thanks, Chris Brown for your great life advice. He's right this time though. If you've ever been disgruntled with a relationship, you know how hard it is to actually break up with...

Top 5 Reasons Why You Suck at Video Games

Regardless of which esport you love, there's some common traits in all the non-elite players. If you're content being the feeder that you are, that's totally fine; without people like you, I would have actually needed to grind to...