Knights of the Frozen Throne
Hearthstone’s Next Expansion Needs to Address Power Creep
As the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion continues to run out of steam, it’s time to start looking forward. What are we looking for in the next Hearthstone expansion? This time, that question is harder to answer than...
Is Patch 9.1 Giving Us Hearthstone’s “Healthiest” Meta?
After Hearthstone's recent balance changes in Patch 9.1, the game's meta has shifted drastically. Currently there is a deck from every class in tier 1-2. That’s right, every single class has a playable deck. This is the first time...
The Best High Skill Ceiling Hearthstone Decks
Recently, we discussed what skill ceilings and skill floors are. One of the things we touched on in the article was that Hearthstone, because of the emphasis on deck creation, is home to plenty of viable decks that have an...
Blizzard Announces Nerfs to Druid and Fiery War Axe
Nerfs are officially coming to Hearthstone. After the past month of Druid dominating ladder, Blizzard finally decided to do something about it. But it's not just Druid who's getting some tweaks. Several staple cards have been hit by Blizzard's...
Hearthstone Meta Report: Druid, Murloc, Priest, and Pirate
The current Hearthstone meta revolves entirely around Druid. At rank one, Druids make up over 60% of the decks, and across all decks, that number sits at around 30%. For the sake of our collective sanity, we're going to...
The Future of Single Player Hearthstone
Hearthstone is a multiplayer title, and that's what the game has always been known for. Historically, the single player side of Hearthstone has ranged from horrendous to "sort of okay." However, the new expansion, Knights of the Frozen Throne has...
Hearthstone Decks Designed to Beat Druid
If you've played Hearthstone over the past week, you know that Druid is the king of the court, and he's hard to beat. You've likely come to the conclusion that playing most of the new decks just gets you beaten....
Hearthstone: Is Druid the New Shaman?
For about a year, Hearthstone was commonly referred to as "Shamanstone." This was because Shaman was simply the best class, in every area. Blizzard had given Shaman enough tools for it to play Aggro, Midrange, and Control more effectively than...
Hearthstone: The Best Decks in Knights of the Frozen Throne
The latest Hearthstone expansion, Knights of the Frozen Throne, has been out for a few days now, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't great. The new Death Knight cards range from average to awesome, and they add some...
The Lich King: A Different Kind of Death Knight
Over the past week, we've been discussing all the new Death Knight cards in Hearthstone's Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion. For those out of the loop, Death Knights are the new Hero cards coming to Hearthstone. When you...
New Death Knight Analysis: Gul’Dan, Anduin, Uther
The final batch of Death Knights for Hearthstone's Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion have been revealed. We also have the release date for Knights of the Frozen Throne, and the new set will launch on August 10th. The...
New Epics and Death Knights: Thrall, Valeera, and Friends
The newest batch of Knights of the Frozen Throne cards have been released, and we've also got our third and fourth Death Knights to discuss. The first one is Thrall, the new Shaman Death Knight, and the second one is...