
Phantom Assassin Guide for 6.88e

Phantom Assassin has swiftly become the most popular hero in public play in 6.88, and we're even seeing professional teams picking her up every now and again. Phantom Strike now pierces spell immunity, a change brought by 6.88 that has...

Wild Guide – Freeze Mage

Introduction Recently I’ve made a foray back into wild mode. Wild is full of decks from the ages, with a few additions. The most common new deck is N’Zoth Priest, which is quite strong. There are also many old… favourites....
Most Expensive Hearthstone Deck

The Five Most Popular Neutral Legendaries

Introduction Do you have 1600 extra dust? Are you thinking of crafting a new legendary? Do you want one that will fit in as many decks as possible? If so, this is the guide for you! We’ve gone through and...

5 Ways to Break Up with Your Duo Queue Partner

There's never a right time to say goodbye. Thanks, Chris Brown for your great life advice. He's right this time though. If you've ever been disgruntled with a relationship, you know how hard it is to actually break up with...

How to Kill Time until Worlds Week 2 Begins

The first week of the 2016 League of Legends World Championship has concluded and already many hardcore fans are suffering withdrawal symptoms. It has never been more fun to be a fan of competitive League of Legends.

Dota 2: The Best Supports to Learn on 6.88e

Not everyone enjoys playing support, we know that, but many professionals would argue that it's the most challenging role and it's crucial to have a few supports you can play well. There are plenty to choose from though so let's...

Totem Shaman Guide

Introduction Recently there have been many variants of Shaman decks flying around. This is because Shaman is undisputed as the best class at the moment. Everyone is seeking to find the best Shaman deck to get an edge on their...

Top 5 Reasons Why You Suck at Video Games

Regardless of which esport you love, there's some common traits in all the non-elite players. If you're content being the feeder that you are, that's totally fine; without people like you, I would have actually needed to grind to...

Aggro Freeze Mage Guide

Introduction Freeze Mage is one of the original decks of Hearthstone. It has had its ups and downs over the years, and it is currently in a slump. This is due to the unfavorable matchup it has with both Shaman...
Outworld Devourer 6.88c guide

The Best Mids in 6.88c

Patch 6.88c Playing mid in 6.88 has been a tough task. In such a well-balanced meta, judging who to pick is a bit of a lottery and opposing mids are always ready with a cheeky counter to your favourite midlaner....

Fun Deck Guide: C’Thun Mage

Introduction In light of the recent anger towards the general Hearthstone competitive scene, I decided to make more fun guides. These guides are not designed to take you to legend, but rather to have fun. The decks may be competitive,...
Invoker mmr guide

Dota 2: How to Raise Your MMR

How do I raise my MMR? It's the age old question that everyone who plays Dota wants to know. Whilst we all like to watch those godlike players at the highest level who seem to have it all figured out,...