Rammus Troll Pick Rolls into the NACS Finals

Apparently Chae "Piglet" Gwang-jin's homesickness is getting the better of him; after seeing fellow Korean competitors CJ’s Park “Shy” Sang-myeon and Kim “Ssumday” Chan-ho pick Teemo in the LCK by accident, Piglet just couldn't stop himself from replicating the...
Tilt is serious!

Ways to Combat Tilt in Hearthstone

Introduction Tilt is when a player begins to misplay, and then continues to misplay because of their emotional state. It is present in pretty much everything in life, but is highly noticeable in video games especially. Hearthstone is a major...

New Pings Make for Better Games

The new cooldown pings added in patch 6.14 are a step in the right direction for increasing the quality of ranked games. League of Legends is a game centered around taking advantage of small timing windows as a group...

Valve Issues Shutdown Order to Dota2Lounge

If you follow Counter Strike, you've probably already heard the news. Valve decided to crack down on skin and item betting sites, catching Dota2Lounge in the dragnet as well. The extent of my betting experience begins and ends with the...

Should Riot Lower the Rank Decay Grace Period?

A bizarre post managed to reach the front page of the League of Legends subreddit a few days ago, requesting that Riot lower the amount of days before a Challenger/Master account will decay from 10 to 3 days. Before...
Merc Lord Heroes

Top Five PvE Heroes in Heroes of the Storm

Let’s be honest, you’re not always in the mood to play super tryhard competitive games against other humans. Sometimes you’d rather just grind some World of Warcraft and gather hippogryph pelts for a few hours. Here’s the good news: you...
Specialists in Heroes of the Storm

Specialists on the Rise: Balance Patch 19.0

The latest balance patch in Heroes of the Storm brought the much-anticipated Gul’Dan into the game as well as quite a few major changes. Many Heroes received significant updates (mostly buffs), but by far the biggest changes related to...
Hungrybox emotional after winning Evo 2016

SSBM: Hungrybox’s Puff Pounds Evo Competition

Evo 2016 will always hold a special place in fighting game history for several reasons. It was the biggest Street Fighter V tournament ever. ESPN televised the event. The Mandalay Bay Events Center was packed with members of the...
Dignitas with trophy

Team Dignitas Wins DreamHack Valencia!

Dignitas stood as the undisputed champion of Europe a few months ago after their win in Leicester, but their results since then have been shaky. They went from being a top four team to unable to break out of...

Pokémon Go Is Great, There’s No Denying It

Foreward I originally didn’t think this article was necessary. In my eyes, it was fairly obvious that Pokémon Go (PoGo) was helping people. However, since its release I have seen nothing but articles putting down PoGo and its players. This...

CLG Regains Momentum with Win over C9

Ever since a surprisingly strong showing at the Midseason Invitational 2016, Counter Logic Gaming simply has looked like a shadow of its former self. Entering Week 7 of the NA LCS at a mediocre 6-6, CLG’s match against Cloud9 was predicted...
infiltration wins Evo 2016

SFV: Infiltration Tops Evo Once Again

The Evo 2016 event as a whole was filled with hype and stunning performances. Now the largest fighting game tournament ever, this Evo event is already legendary for multiple reasons. The event filled the Mandalay Bay Events Center in...