C9 Mango on stage

Why Sign a Pro Smash Player (Part 1: Perks for Teams)

Smash is growing. Top players are starting to sign with teams on a regular basis. Maybe not as fast as the rest of the esports world, but the pace has picked up significantly over the last several years. With...

The Curator and the Missing Murloc

Introduction The Menagerie wing of One Night in Karazhan opened this week, and with it, The Curator. The Curator has the potential to provide insane value, the trick is finding a deck to put him in. When played, he draws...
laura in street fighter v

Street Fighter Terms for Beginners (Part 2)

Street Fighter terms for beginners: Round 2 Is school breaking your spirit yet? Yeah, me too… Lucky for you, we’re back with more Street Fighter terms. Don’t worry, we aren’t getting too in-depth. Just the stuff you need to know to...
Dota player Crystal Maiden

4 Types of Dota Players

The Many Faces of Dota Players With hundreds of thousands of Dota players across the world it's amazing how frequently the same old characters crop up in our games. From the players with terrible attitudes who make you want to...

G2 Earns Second Shot at International Play by Beating Splyce

G2 Defeats Splyce at EULCS Summer Finals This past weekend G2 was able to defeat Splyce in the EU LCS Summer Split Grand Finals 3-1. G2 had been the consensus best team in Europe for a while before Splyce began...

Immortals Avoided Scrimming TSM in Hopes of a C9 Win

After defeating Cloud 9 in the 2016 NA LCS Grand Finals which took place in a sold out Air Canada Center in Toronto, Canada, TSM AD carry Doublelift shared some interesting details about his team's practice relationship with fellow...
Dota 2 Underlord OP

Is Vrogros the Underlord OP?

Vrogros the Underlord or the Overpowerlord? Dota's latest hero is out and he's an absolute monster. Vrogros the Underlord is not the kind of guy you want to be laning against. With spammable nukes and an aura that saps your...

FOX Dardoch: Former Team Liquid Jungler Joins Echo Fox

According to ESPN Esports reporter Jacob Wolf, Dardoch is now a member of Echo Fox. Wolf reports that sources close to the players involved confirm that Dardoch is replacing FOX jungler Hard, while competitive rookie Arsecond will be filling in the vacant jungler...

Open Overwatch: Does Blizzard Plan to Take Control?

Recent LCS drama between team owners and Riot's Marc Merrill raises related questions for the future of Overwatch. Overwatch tournament owners have been reaping the benefits of open broadcasting rights so far. Can we expect this capitalistic approach in the future,...

SteelSeries Sensei: The Last Mouse You Will Ever Buy

From Amateur to SteelSeries Sensei The Steelseries Sensei is the first mouse I’ve actually researched and purchased for myself. Before that I used whatever shipped with the prebuilt PCs or hand-me-downs from friends who felt sorry for me. Regardless, I...
Rogue Reinforce Wins TaKeOver

Rogue Reinforce: “I’m Just Setting My Team up for Success”

Reigning GamesCom and TakeOver champion, Rogue, experienced a smooth transition from their success at the Atlantic Showdown to the Overwatch Open. Despite losing the first opportunity to qualify for the final stage of the tournament against FaZe, their ticket to Atlanta was secured just...
Post - TI Roster Shuffles

Post TI Roster Shuffle – Wilder than Your Wildest Dreams

Literally speechless, at first. Last year's post TI roster shuffle left many of us feeling somewhat stunned. My Cloud9 shirt (and mug, wristband, sticker...) lost much of its relevance. But we adapted. I thought the pinnacle of roster shuffle drama arrived...