G2 Earns Second Shot at International Play by Beating Splyce

Sep 1, 2016

G2 Defeats Splyce at EULCS Summer Finals

This past weekend G2 was able to defeat Splyce in the EU LCS Summer Split Grand Finals 3-1. G2 had been the consensus best team in Europe for a while before Splyce began challenging for that title during their incredible Summer split.

Splyce operates around strong decision making and team play while G2 thrives in team fights when they are able to pull out fancy mechanical plays they are capable of. A clash of two different styles would make for an intriguing final.

G2 Win
Splyce had their moments, but G2 proved they were the better team on this day. Photo via Reddit.

G2 had other plans. After playing out an inconsistent regular season good enough to earn them first place it’s clear G2 knew this match-up wasn’t going to be a vacation. G2 came ready to play and it showed. G2 out-earned Splyce by securing gold leads of at least 14,000 gold in each of their wins across the best of 5 series.

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Now that the long and grueling Summer season is over, it’s likely G2 will take some time off to reset before practicing for the upcoming world championships. Just don’t say the ‘V’ word.

All jokes aside, I’m doubtful G2 wouldn’t show up to Worlds the most prepared they’ve ever been. There was clearly a lot going on behind the scenes in the weeks leading up to MSI for G2. A major roster change was coming and everybody knew it – including two G2 roster players. Would you be able to concentrate on improving as much as possible if you knew you’d be dealt to a competitor at the end of the week?

Trick Perkz Summer Finals
G2 was always a strong team thanks to the heavy lifting done by jungler Trick and mid laner Perkz. Now, with Zven and Mithy in the bottom lane, G2 has more ways to win games. Photo via Riot Games.

Those changes have since been made and G2 is a stronger team because of it. With Zven and Mithy powering their bottom lane, G2 are a multi-threat team as long as upcoming star mid laner Perkz is on his game. Perkz has showed a lack of consistency lately, but big game players like him tend to play best under the high stress atmosphere of Worlds. If it’s an issue, we’ll find out pretty fast at Worlds.

We can now resume the feelings of excitement and hopes we had for Europe as a region earlier this year before MSI started. G2 is a strong team, and we will get to see just how strong they are when Worlds begins later this year.

Congratulations G2, the 2016 EU LCS Summer Champions!

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Jamie Jacobs
Jamie Jacobs is a bot lane main who once won 17 consecutive Janna games. His favorite champions are Thresh, Kalista, and Bard. Jamie writes about competitive League of Legends and the professional gaming scene every week at Esports Edition.
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ayy lmao









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