Team SoloMid, Elements, the Golden State Warriors - one of these is not like the other ones; but we aren't looking for their differences. Instead, let's dive into just one shared characteristic: a top tier team adding one more superstar in an attempt to reach new horizons.
In honor of Independence Day this week, here's a feature on one of the USA's most well known players: Clinton "Fear" Loomis.
Fear Darkness
Affectionately called "Old...
The 2016 NA LCS Summer Split is already more than half over. The conclusion of week 5 leaves us with a top 3 of TSM, Immortals, and a three-way tie between Team Liquid, Cloud 9, and Team EnvyUs.
The last update to Overwatch finally came with the introduction of a ranked "competitive" mode. Now that the long awaited update was finally released, how...
Things are finally starting to look slightly better for Origen.
After a nightmare off-season in which their star bot lane duo walked away from the...
We didn’t think it could get worse than Chromie or Lunara. It turns out it can.
Blizzard typically tunes Heroes to about a 50% win...
Fantasy sports is undoubtedly an athletic pastime, drawing interest from all the fans that have ever wanted to manage a team but had neither...
Recent patches in League of Legends have been relatively tame in comparison to what we saw in the Mid-Season Mage Update. Patch 6.13...