Hearthstone's meta has been slowly settling over the past several weeks. As the new Journey to Un'Goro decks become more refined, they're bound to move...
Hearthstone has been feeling fast for a while now. When the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion dropped, many players felt that games were suddenly over...
Taunt Warrior is a new Hearthstone deck archetype, spawned by Blizzard's Journey to Un’Goro expansion. While the deck itself is new, it's not exactly...
The Hearthstone meta has already shifted numerous times in the weeks since the Journey to Un'Goro expansion was released. The Rogue Quest deck has stayed...
Each class in Hearthstone has a unique Quest card in the new Journey to Un’Goro expansion. For Mage, your Quest is to play six spells that...
    The Journey to Un’Goro expansion has been out just long enough for us to start getting a good idea about the upcoming meta, and...
  Journey to Un’Goro has been out almost a week now, and while it's clear that there's no shortage of viable decks, we're starting to...
It's no secret that Hearthstone hasn’t been in a great place for the last year or so. Shaman has dominated the meta, RNG has run...
As of Thursday, Hearthstone's long-anticipated Journey to Un’Goro expansion has officially been released. The addition of Quests for each class has taken center stage, and...
With every new set of Hearthstone cards, Blizzard introduces powerful combos. Some of these are obvious, and others not so much. This time around,...
The cat is finally out of the bag, friends--the entire Journey to Un’Goro set has been revealed. This, of course, includes the legendary Quests for...
The entire Journey to Un’Goro expansion has finally been revealed, and we've even got a release date on our hands: April 6th. Expect to...