With the release of the League of Explorers expansion, many new decks have been created, some more gimmicky than others. Cards like Reno Jackson...
There are a thousand guides on how to climb the ladder in Hearthstone. They all include important advice, but most of them focus around...
Celestial Invitational The Celestial Invitational pits pros against each other, forcing them to win against every class in a best of seventeen tournament. The formats also...
One: Coining Out Wrong This is the biggest mistake that most new players make, even ones coming from other games. A lot of them think...
Well, the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion has now been completely revealed. We can now go through and honestly, truly, declare which cards are...
With their most recent set, The Grand Tournament, Blizzard released a new Hearthstone mechanic: Inspire. Inspire is a mechanic that does something when you...
New Cards Everywhere! This week had a ton of new cards, so this week’s installment will be just put towards addressing them all. Without further...
From joke to meta, Silence Priest has climbed the ranks quite handily. This guide is based off of a decklist and notes provided by...
As anyone who has played competitive Hearthstone is aware, Blizzard has had a poor track record when it comes to nerfing cards in Hearthstone....
The Journey to Un’Goro reveal season is finally upon us. Over the next two weeks, the entire 135 card Hearthstone expansion will be revealed....
Introduction All of the big eSports host tournaments now. League of Legends, Counter Strike, DotA, and, of course, Hearthstone. They all have them, and they...
Introduction The Thirty Legendary Deck is something that most players have heard of. It is, as the name would suggest, a deck comprised of only...