When I was thinking about what I’d write for today's article, I decided to check out the news. After opening a handful of tabs in my...
Recently, I was given the opportunity to take part in a press conference with several Hearthstone pros before the HCT Summer Championship – a...
Introduction The release of The Grand Tournament spawned two entirely new decks. Secret Paladin, and Dragon Priest. Dragon Priest is a deck which makes use...
The Starladder Hearthstone tournament, paired with I-League finals have now concluded. The tournament boasted some of the top players from all over the world,...
With the recent fall of Patron Warrior, there is a gap in the Hearthstone meta that's quickly being worked out. Decks such as Aggro...
So the expansion has been out for a few days now, and decks have been flooding the ladder. Here’s a quick analysis of the...
Last October, we published an article that discussed why Inspire, and by extension, The Grand Tournament expansion was a relatively failed mechanic. It talked about...
My greatest fears have come to fruition. During the reveal of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, I wondered about this. And now it has happened....
Year of the Dragon Brought New Updates Professional players and streamers constantly criticize developers for a lack of updates....
Blizzard continues to tease out information about the upcoming Journey to Un'Goro expansion, and we've finally seen the new legendaries for Warrior and Druid. Both...
Hearthstone is a beautiful game. It has a wonderful user interface, nice artwork, and great animations. But that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. In fact,...
Introduction The Starladder I-League Season Two Hearthstone tournament concluded this weekend. This tournament is a collaboration between Starladder and I-League. I-League is an exclusively Chinese...