As a follow up to the Top Five Legendaries of Old Gods, let’s take a look at some of the worst legendaries. Many of...
Hearthstone has always struggled with innovation. Every cycle, without fail, the community will invent a couple oddball decks that are surprisingly successful, but for the...
Introduction Recently many of the Hearthstone professional players have been discontent with the state of Hearthstone. One of the loudest speakers has been James ‘Firebat’...
Every class has its weakness, right? Well as it turns out, Shaman doesn’t. There isn’t a deck that can comfortably both counter Tunnel Trogg and Totem Golem while also getting ready to counter Flamewreathed Faceless, at least not reliably.
There are many decks which are a staple in the meta game of Hearthstone. Playing them is very effective if you plan on climbing...
Introduction After losing Call of the Wild, Midrange Hunter’s win rate took a steep dive. People began looking for other Hunter decks to run. This...
Hunter decks haven't been good in a very long time, but Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro expansion has managed to bring Midrange Hunter decks back...
Every time an expansion comes out it gets harder and harder to start playing Hearthstone. There are so many cards to choose from, and...
The Starladder Hearthstone tournament, paired with I-League finals have now concluded. The tournament boasted some of the top players from all over the world,...
Introduction The 2016 Hearthstone Championship Tour is coming up, and it’s time to start getting prepared. The first week of matches is this week, and...
Player Introduction This season sees rise to a new beast: N’Zoth Renolock. This deck was piloted by Fr0zen, who came second at Dreamhack Sweden. He...
We all know what it is. Hearthstone's elusive legend rank. The rank at the top of the ladder, the light at the end of...