On first examination, it's easy to dismiss Path of Exile as just another ARPG. To be fair, the trademarks of the genre aren't hard to...
We've got a crazy meta on our hands right now. At the Summit 7, one of the last large events before TI7, Dota fans got...
There are few champions that have managed to consistently adapt to the ever-changing meta and stay useful over a long period of time. Gragas,...
On January 5th, Blizzard shipped the first Overwatch update of 2017, and it included sizable buffs, nerfs, and general fixes to several heroes. Roadhog's Hook The most requested...
As of Thursday, Hearthstone's long-anticipated Journey to Un’Goro expansion has officially been released. The addition of Quests for each class has taken center stage, and...
In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the primary form of psychological warfare is trash talk. It's simple, and it works--if your opponents are constantly telling you how much...
The 2016 preseason is in full swing with a laundry list of new champion changes as well as new items. Many of us are...
Preseason 6 is well underway, and some LCS teams feature full rosters with new talent eager to continue their professional careers. A theme this...
If you want to see the best match of Worlds 2016, don't bother looking towards the grand finals. Instead, tune in on October 21 to see the...
Despite the commercial and critical success of Overwatch, the game's professional scene has still failed to attract a following. Blizzard hosted the Overwatch World...
It's always refreshing to see some different teams represented in the playoffs and finals of a prestigious tournament. Remember 2015? Pretty much the EG...
This week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is A Peek to the Past. The rules of the Brawl are fairly straightforward: you make a deck using...