Overwatch runs on a 12 man 6v6 format. Competitive mode, which is said to come out 'soon', will follow the same design. Why is Blizzard steering clear of the better known 5v5 format. Why do they want 12 players instead of 10?
With RDU’s first place finish at Dreamhack using mostly aggro decks, this topic is fresh. Are aggro decks bad for Hearthstone? I, like many...
Every esport is defined by its greatest games. Games showcase mechanical feats of wonder, strategical masterpieces, or the most epic storylines ever told. Heroes...
Sometimes after a massive outplay I feel so 'swole' that I want nothing more than to flex on my enemies. Unlike first-person shooters...
Top lane champion, Illaoi, has recently entered the ranks of S-tier top laners. Her abilites deal significant damage while healing her for a percentage...
Riot's game patch 6.11 made a fairly significant change to Trinity Force, and the metagame has truly started to reflect this one alteration. Whereas the old...
How can you prepare for ranked? Learning how to play League of Legends as a new player is quite the undertaking. First you start off...
At the moment Mage is widely considered the best class in arena, with a slightly higher win rate than Paladin and Rogue. But what...
ESL One Frankfurt just concluded, and it seems like it was over in the blink of an eye. With Manila ending only a few...
Challenger players are the 0.01% of the League of Legends player base. They have invested countless hours into the game and in turn developed...
We're all familiar with dying in unfortunate situations. Sometimes it's the result of an overzealous play. Other times you can't explain it. Check out...
Introduction This deck is commonly referred to as Pirate Warrior, but it could just as easily be called ‘Face Warrior’. With every card in the...