Aghanim’s Labyrinth, for Fun or for Prizes! The new event in Dota 2 and Battle Pass 2020 gave us the...
Defeat Your Opponents with our Zephrys Priest Guide! There are only a few popular Priest decks in the current...
League of Legends Samira is Nearly Here! Imagine Yasuo, but a bit different, a bit… cooler. Oh, that’s Yone? Okay,...
The Volibear Rework Allows him to Storm onto the Rift with a Whole New Kit With Riot Games’ recent...
Teamfight Tactics Set Three Storms the Scene The new Teamfight Tactics set has been out for a while, and...
Support players in League of Legends are tasked with controlling vision, peeling for the ADC or other carries, and making sure that they're picking a...
Zach Scuderi is the King of Cosplay The first time I heard about League of Legends was at Fan Expo Canada, about six years ago....
Last week, we talked about the basic functions and abilities of support champions in League of Legends: initiation, disengage, healing, shielding, pick-offs, general protection,...
Nexus Blitz has been a mode showcased several times now within League of Legends. It’s entirely different from the main game, and in it's...
Overwatch runs on a 12 man 6v6 format. Competitive mode, which is said to come out 'soon', will follow the same design. Why is Blizzard steering clear of the better known 5v5 format. Why do they want 12 players instead of 10?
The process of itemization begins at level one. But choosing what items to buy--and the order to buy them in--is often overlooked, even by professionals. In...
Cloud9 vs. ScaryFaceZombies currently holds the record as the longest game of professional Dota 2 ever played. Of course EternalEnvy was involved in something this ridiculous. The game...