Everybody loves hats – even those players who pretend they're too busy honing their 'next-level' skills to worry about cosmetics. Skins allow us to personalize our...
It’s been a while since we’ve seen a Dota 2 special event, but the temporary “Dark Moon” wave survival game has the community buzzing....
10. BunnyFuFuu BunnyFuFuu plays support for Team Gravity. His champion pool is not very large but it’s filled with "goodies". BunnyFuFuu mains Thresh, Janna, and...
Being deceptive in champ select can make it difficult for the opposing team to counter pick you and your teammates. Being capable of playing...
‘Skill floor’ and ‘skill ceiling’ are terms you will likely come across when playing or discussing competitive gaming. But what do these words actually...
C9 Impact appears to be coming to a NA LCS Summer split near you. Recent reports have revealed that Cloud 9 will swap out long time top...
Do you feel stuck? Not sure how to climb the ladder in Overwatch? Practicing your aim is a good way to break out of a...
Dota 2 is free-to-play, which means that Valve can't rely on selling copies of the game to turn a profit. Instead, the game is supported...
Playing support can often feel like carrying the world on your shoulders. You're expected to set up wards, babysit your carries, stack camps, scout...
As you journey through Overwatch's solo queue you're going to be playing with all sorts of players and we all have different attitudes towards...
Runes are a major IP sink. If you're getting into ranked League of Legends or just hit level 20, you should probably be thinking about...
Regardless of which esport you love, there's some common traits in all the non-elite players. If you're content being the feeder that you are,...