You're tired of hearing it over the comms — someone on your team has a problem with the way you're playing and wants to...
Let’s be honest, you’re not always in the mood to play super tryhard competitive games against other humans. Sometimes you’d rather just grind some...
MID OR FEED Welcome to the Midlane, where you suck and your opponent is amazing. Get used to it. We are gonna sit down here...
It's easy to forget that you're playing with real people sometimes. If you're mad or frustrated at your teammates, nobody can stop you from...
Today, I’m going to be talking about the concept of inevitability, and how you can use it guide your in-game decision making. In games and...
I haven't dug into Riot's data through the API. I haven't even looked at the patch notes. I'm speaking mostly from anecdote and information...
The long-awaited event Doom in the Tomb has come to the Hearthstone. 23 Wild cards returned to Standard format. New cards shook...
In this five-part series, we’ll go back to five of the oldest games that birthed esports, play them, and examine their relevance in esports...
Since the end of the IEM Katowice Major, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive teams have been making moves left and right. From new orgs...
Let me preface this Sombra guide by noting my massive hard-on for the stealth genre. I'm a huge fan of stealth games, and I've poured untold...
The first stage of the Overwatch League has come to a close, and teams are taking the opportunity to re-evaluate their rosters. Of all...
First of all, congratulations on your accomplishment. Climbing to the #1 spot in any League of Legends region is a significant achievement no matter...