Last week, we talked about the basic functions and abilities of support champions in League of Legends: initiation, disengage, healing, shielding, pick-offs, general protection,...
Overwatch, CS:GO's crowd-sourced anti-griefing and cheating detection system, is often taken for granted. While some believe the service does nothing to rid the game of...
Events have finally come to Hearthstone. The Midsummer Fire Festival has been a huge hit, and now, we're starting to hear rumors about another upcoming event,...
Some of the most stylish plays you'll see in Dota 2 tend to involve somebody killing their own teammate or tower. There's nothing more frustrating than seeing...
Support players in League of Legends are tasked with controlling vision, peeling for the ADC or other carries, and making sure that they're picking a...
The Battle Cup is a wonderful addition to Dota, offering a chance to play in a real, structured tournament with a team even if...
With The International 2017 only a month away, there's a chance we might see a new hero added to the Dota 2 roster in...
When there isn't an Operation going on, the roster of popular CS:GO maps is fairly small. But when a new Operation launches, players have access to...