The Main event just started, but there's been plenty of must-see moments during the group stages. Here are some of The International 2016 highlights: The Upsets The...
Literally speechless, at first. Last year's post TI roster shuffle left many of us feeling somewhat stunned. My Cloud9 shirt (and mug, wristband, sticker...) lost...
The group stage of the Boston Major is underway, and while we've been treated to several great games, both of the the compLexity -...
Pretty much everyone with a passing interest in esports has heard about James "2GD" Harding's dismissal from the Shanghai Major panel. It's apparent that...
With the release of 7.01 balancing out the huge gameplay overhaul that 7.00 brought with some well placed tweaks, it's time to take a look at...
Recently I had an opportunity to interview Steven "Toffees" Pierce, creator of Dota 2 shows "Around the Pit" and "Coffee with Toffees." I asked...
Who Are Wings? Current Roster: Shadow BLink (跳刀跳刀) Faith_Bian Innocence (also displayed as y innocence) Iceice All of these players have been around the pro scene for a bit, mostly playing...
10. Team Secret Team Secret is currently in 10th place for highest tournament winnings. They have played in eight tournaments and have earned a total...
Arteezy is never really far from the spotlight, consistently proving himself as both a top-tier player and a top-tier meme machine. Much like EternalEnvy,...
Once again, the TI7 Group Stage has generated an entirely new meta, and there have been plenty of new developments for Dota lovers to mull...
It can be really hard to be a fan of specific teams in Dota. Even with the roster lock system, players change lliances (huehuehue)...
Opening Thoughts: I've been pondering this topic for a while, as it seems to be the same old story each time: teams lose a player...