

Overwatch: Season 9 Is Here

Season 9 Has Arrived! Are you ready? On Sunday, Overwatch’s eighth competitive season came to a close, and after a short off-season, we’re now up and running again for the ninth competitive season. Although it’s only been two days, there are...
Ascendancy Changes

Path of Exile: Ascendancy Buffs

A lot of changes are coming to Path of Exile with the launch of Bestiary league: new league mechanics, new uniques, and new skills. But we’re also getting massive changes to the core gameplay in the form of ascendancy...
League of Legends Kai'Sa

League of Legends Champion Reveal: Kai’Sa

The newest League of Legends champion has finally been revealed! Riot Games has introduced us to Kai’Sa, Daughter of the Void. And by daughter of the void, we really mean daughter of Kassadin. She is a new ADC who comes from...
Swain Banner

League of Legends Patch Update: 8.2 and 8.3

League of Legends had two recent patch updates. While the 8.2 patch has been out for a few weeks, 8.3 just went live a few days ago. Both patches saw new balance changes and some item reworks, as well...
Year of the Mammoth Nerfs

Hearthstone: New Balance Patch Brings Serious Nerfs

It’s that time of the year again: time for our yearly Hearthstone balance patch! This year Blizzard carefully looked at all of the tier one decks and decided that Warlock was the coolest. As a result, they decided to...

League of Legends: OP Rune Pages

The new rune system has been out for a few months now, and some solid pages have been made. But to newcomers, or returning veterans, the new system can be very overwhelming. I dealt with this recently, so I...
Shaman - Morgl

Hearthstone: The “Best” Shaman Decks

Roughly a year ago Hearthstone was commonly referred to as Shamanstone. Shaman was so strong that the two decks from this class were rated first and second in terms of power, and most tier lists added an additional tier...
Kobolds and Catacombs

The Five Worst Cards from Kobolds and Catacombs

Kobolds and Catacombs brought us a lot of really strong cards when it was released last year. Some would even argue that the expansion, which included 135 new cards, was too strong. However, there aren’t a lot of incredibly...
Read this Cubelock deck guide and learn how to destroy your opponents in the most frustrating way possible.

Hearthstone: Cubelock Deck Guide

Cubelock is the newest variant of Warlock, and it revolves around two new cards, one of which the deck gets its name from. Carnivorous Cube has a lot of potential, but it's incredibly powerful when it's consuming a massive...
Hearthstone's Big Priest is one of the best archetypes in the game right now, and can handle almost everything you'll run into in Kobolds and Catacombs.

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Big Priest

It’s no secret that the strongest class in Hearthstone right now is Priest. And it shouldn't come as a surprise that the preferred archetype is what is referred to as “Big Priest.” Big Priest is an archetype that combines...
Hearthstone's meta has been shaken up by the release of the Kobolds and Catacombs expansion, and some new decks and archetypes are starting to make waves.

Hearthstone Meta Report: Priest, Paladin, and Warlock

What does Hearthstone's meta look like in the post-Kobolds and Catacombs era? Our meta report examines some of the strongest decks and archetypes that you'll run into on the ladder, so if you need some inspiration, this is a...
Corridor Creeper already seems to be one of the more overpowered cards in the Kobolds and Catacombs decks we've seen so far.

Hearthstone: The Best New Kobolds and Catacombs Decks

Kobolds and Catacombs has been out for a few days now. That’s not enough for a defined meta, but it is enough to start identifying some of the particularly strong decks that have emerged from the latest Hearthstone expansion....